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Working Together
Office of Philanthropy and Engagement
Go Here, Give Here
Your generosity will pay repeated dividends in the lives and accomplishments of our students. Whether you choose to support a college, department, program or make an unrestricted gift, your contribution will have an immeasurable impact on our students.
Working Together
The Philanthropic and Engagement Division inspires our alumni and friends to support current and future Lions by highlighting their achievements.. Our division is comprised of several departments and groups working together to generate public and private support for the university community. We help create personal legacies for our donors and donor recipients. Our passion is to serve as a resource in matching donor interests with the university’s needs and to help partner faculty, staff and students with alumni leaders. We strive to provide Lion alumni and friends with the opportunity to be informed, involved and invested in East Texas A&M.
Frequently Asked Questions
May I choose where my donation goes?
Yes, absolutely! Your decision to give to East Texas A&M is voluntary and we want to ensure that your donor experience is the best it can be. Contact giving@tamuc.edu for further information on how to become a donor.
My gift of $10, $50 or $100 would be a drop in the bucket. Will it really make a difference?
Every gift makes a difference, and your gift can accomplish much more than you think. East Texas A&M has over 90,000 living alumni. If every alumnus gave $50 per year, the resulting $4.5 million would create life-changing opportunities for students! High participation rates in alumni giving inspire others to give and also positively impact national college rankings. Your gift, no matter the size, is helping to increase the value of your degree and the success of future graduates.
Don’t you receive funding from The Texas A&M University System? Can’t they help out more?
East Texas A&M does not receive funding from The Texas A&M University System. As a state institution, our funds are sourced from students, the Texas Legislature and philanthropy.
May I pay my donation out over time?
We offer a variety of options to make giving convenient for you and consistent with your philanthropic goals. Gifts may be made monthly, annually or over a designated time period. Make a pledge online.
I don't want anybody to know that I have made a contribution. Is it possible to remain anonymous?
Yes, we work hard to respect our donors’ wishes and ensure a positive and gratifying giving experience. All you need to do is notify us of your request to remain anonymous when you make a donation. We will not make your contribution public.
My gift may encourage others to give. What kind of donor recognition is available?
We show appreciation to our donors in a myriad of ways, but most importantly, in the way that best represents you as the donor and the impact on the lives you are changing. Stewarding you and your gift and communicating the impact of your support is a priority at East Texas A&M. Each gift and each donor’s story is unique. We will provide you with a distinct donor experience that reflects the intent of your generosity. To further discuss recognition options, please contact us at 903.468.8187 or giving@tamuc.edu.
Who should I call if I have more questions?
If you would like to speak with someone regarding a donation to a specific college, endowment, fund or program, or if you would like to make a donation over the phone, please contact Kim Jefferies in Philanthropy Operations at giving@tamuc.edu or 903.886.5712.
If you would like to speak with someone regarding Bridge Builders or Annual Giving, please contact Laura Lucas at 903.468.8181.
What is the relationship between the university and the East Texas A&M Foundation?
The Foundation has a separate board of directors who work in partnership with East Texas A&M to meet strategic goals and serve the university’s mission by raising private funds. Learn more about the Foundation Board.
Who invests my endowed funds?
All endowed funds are deposited through their related 501(c)(3) (the East Texas A&M University Foundation or the Texas A&M University Alumni Association). All funds are managed by The Texas A&M University System. The Foundation and Alumni Association have a shared services affiliation with the university; therefore, they have no employees, equipment or space of their own. University employees provide the necessary services and resources for the operation of the Foundation and Alumni Association.
How much does it cost to attend East Texas A&M University?
East Texas A&M prides itself on offering an accessible, affordable and quality education. Find out more about costs of attendance.
We are Here to Help!
The Philanthropy and Engagement Division at East Texas A&M is ready to help make your philanthropic dreams come true. Our professional staff oversee major giving, planned giving, annual giving, operations, alumni relations and engagement. They look forward to helping you find the best way to support the Lion family. Please reach out to us today!
Contact Us
- Philanthropy and Engagement
- giving@tamuc.edu
- P.O. Box 3425
- Commerce, TX 75429-3425